a beautiful gift
rupture with flight and chorus
through the moon’s dim light
a beautiful gift
rupture with flight and chorus
through the moon’s dim light
modest are the trees
seize those moments that make you
to have them always
parabolic curves
lead you to this perspective
what poems they speak
you reach down into
the silhouettes that reveal
but, sometimes I break
moss draping over branches
to look up — skyward
we all need this path
with strokes of grass and azure
it embraces you
you are potential
you peek over the grapes to
the person you are
some of us are those
in and out of your being
when I am present
oh, how you long to
I feel their anxiety
choices have been made
early morning song
you tripped me, floating there. but
to keep it secure
this hug was intense
it was always here — ready
all that is above
you have this structure
that your trail will not be full
I hear, I exist
this path is flooded
reach with those ancient branches
as pink fades to night
I know this portal
homeomorphic tree tops
and edges within?
this small white primrose
dancing in erratic flight
utterly alive
immerse all of you
when you enter the forest
envelope my eyes
the moment for tea
a thousand poems of you
I grew it for you
even planets, stars
reflecting from this good earth
uncountable, be
sometimes we muster
pink Clouds wrap around my eyes
to tuck me in — dream
as a treehugger
moonlit branches projected
I grew it for you