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there’s this ritual

that you stand alone out here

warmth from radiance

imagine being

so they could all see this bird

goes – as you orbit

I feel all the strands

the air that circles the earth

breath in this wildwood

some windows are but

orchid blooming for a year

hope for unity

I am so grateful

in your layers as they fall

temporal beings

the weight of a cloud

hints of orange and purple

heaven and the Earth

slough of quietude

the dunes of me — parallel

to root yourself in

messengers of trees

the silhouettes that reveal

a focus within

our days are fractals

claim the branch, caw to below

iota of earth

in just one moment

with bits of pollen and mud

of water and ducks

now, lessen yourself

and I will love every

to the morning beams

some of these rivers

will be erased by time’s tides

spores of seasons’ growth

so precious is now

when the wind whispers to you

painted in puddles

there are these days — times

the negative space becomes

in my coffee cup

you are potential

struck down by the weight of ice

in this existence

untangling this mess

when overwhelmed with beauty,

of growth beneath soil

the elk must have left

quivering with their cuteness

modest are the trees

plan those garden beds

the negative space becomes

contrast is but life